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05 Aug, 2019

Our August shopping list

Eating seasonal and local produce is fresher, tastier and more nutritious. It's often significantly cheaper, much more environmentally friendly and helps support your local economy. From corn to artichoke to radishes, August brings with it a glut of some of our favourite veggies.


Eating seasonal and local produce is fresher, tastier and more nutritious. It's often significantly cheaper, much more environmentally friendly and helps support your local economy. From corn to artichoke to radishes, August brings with it a glut of some of our favourite veggies. Here's what you should be adding to your shopping list this month.


Juicy, crunchy and crisp, UK-grown radishes add a delightful punchy colour and flavour to dishes. They also contain significant levels of vitamin C. Try your hand at our Radish Buddha Bowl with Tahini Dressing.


Sweet, tender, freshly picked peas, are in a different league to frozen peas. If you are not lucky enough to grow your own peas, try to get fresh peas from your grocer. Peas are a fantastic non-meat source of iron. Try pairing with a squeeze of lemon juice as the vitamin C will help you to absorb more of the iron.

Why not try our delicious Pea & Courgette Salad recipe here.


Artichokes are one of those foods that feel like a real indulgence. Not only are they delicious, but they contain significant levels of vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and fibre.


I will always distinctly remember the time I went corn picking and the striking sweetness of the freshly plucked corn. Fun fact: corn contains the antioxidant lutein, which is thought to help protect the eyes from damage caused by blue light.

Corn is one of the hero ingredients in our Ultimate Chopped Salad recipe.