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04 Mar, 2015

Date and Hazlenut Balls

Our sweet treat recipe from The Detox Kitchen Cookery School 28.02.15. This recipe is super easy and super effective. Not only does it soothe a sweet craving but it also delivers a nutrient and energy boost.



Makes 8 balls

200g dates, pitted
100g ground almonds
3 tbsp cacao powder
1 pinch sea salt
8 hazelnuts


Place the dates in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Leave to stand for 20 minutes until softened. Then drain the dates and place them in a food processor with the ground almonds, cacao powder and sea salt. Blitz until the mixture forms a soft dough. Remove the mixture from the food processor and divide into 8 small pieces. Flatten the first piece in your hand and place the hazelnut in the middle, then roll the mixture around and form a small ball in your hands. Place onto a plate and dust with cacao powder. Repeat this for the remaining balls.