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08 Dec, 2015

We Speak To... Shona Vertue

Yoga teacher and personal trainer Shona Vertue fills us in on her back story and the benefits of regular exercise. Her life philosophy? "You never know what might happen so it's always best to eat dessert first."


1) Tell us your back-story in a nutshell?

I am elite gymnast turned dancer turned yogi and now work as both a yoga teacher and Personal Trainer. My whole life has been based around movement, exercise and nutrition. I wouldn't have it any other way!

2) Have you always wanted to be a fitness instructor?

As soon as I experienced my first yoga class, I knew I wanted to teach. It had such a beautiful effect on my life and I wanted to share that with other people.

3) In your experience what do you think the biggest benefits of exercising are?

Exercise has SO many benefits it's really hard to narrow it down into a few, however the most profound effect it has had on both me and now my clients has been self confidence and an increased feeling of self worth. Although many people exercise for aesthetic reasons, exercise to me is and always should be a celebration of the body you've been gifted with. The type of exercise that I usually coach is based around developing strength, agility and flexibility.

4) What are your favourite pre and post workout snacks?

Protein shakes are a saviour for me in London. I usually create my own in my Nutribullet.

My go to pre or post workout smoothie is usually a blend of pea protein and rice protein, one teaspoon of coconut oil, a sprinkle of cinnamon, my favourite nut or rice milk and a handful of frozen blueberries - all whizzed up for delicious and easy consumption on the go.

5) And finally, tell us your life philosophy in one sentence?

You never know what might happen so it's always best to eat dessert first.

You can follow Shona on Instagram and Twitter to keep up with her thoughts on yoga, food, fitness, health, movement and love.

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