07 May, 2019
Detox Kitchen's Spring Equitox 2019
After the huge success of our Spring Equitox package last year, it’s back by popular demand for 2019. Four weeks of delicious, healthy Detox Kitchen food, and gifts to the value of £270, will leave you feeling empowered and re-energised. Specifically designed around the four pillars of ‘Mind’, ‘Body’, ‘Physical Environment’ and ‘Digital Environment’, our Spring Equitox is the ultimate spring clean.
NewsIntroducing Detox Kitchen’s Spring Equitox - The ultimate reset for mind, body, physical and digital environments.
A 20-day plan that will help you reset and re-energise just in time for summer.
After the huge success of our Spring Equitox package last year, it’s back by popular demand for 2019. Four weeks of delicious, healthy Detox Kitchen food, and gifts to the value of £270, will leave you feeling empowered and re-energised. At Detox Kitchen, we are firm believers in the revitalising opportunities that are abound in spring. As we transition into a new and brighter season, it is the perfect opportunity after weeks of hibernation to stretch out both mentally and physically, as well as to overhaul our habits and detox the body. Specifically designed around the four pillars of ‘Mind’, ‘Body’, ‘Physical Environment’ and ‘Digital Environment’, our Spring Equitox is the ultimate spring clean. Our highly acclaimed food packages are combined with curated gifts from the likes of Susanne Kaufmann, Papier and Floom.
There are two Spring Equitox options, the Protein Spring Equitox and the Vegan Spring Equitox.
Please note we are flexible if you would like to use one of our other packages (Green, Green with Protein) for this. Please email [email protected] or call 0207 498 6417 to arrange.

It seems as though we have reached ‘peak-stress’ in the UK, with 74% of the population having felt 'overwhelmed or unable to cope' at some point in the past year[1], with stress, depression or anxiety accounting for 44% of all work-related illnesses in 2018[2]. These shocking figures are, unfortunately, not so shocking, with a common response to how someone is feeling resulting in their lamenting about how stressed or tired they are. As such we felt strongly that we needed to focus our Mind week on stress-busting rituals that successful people live by. Stress-busting rituals are only as effective as they are enjoyable, and you’ll be surprised to find out just how enjoyable they can be.
Our partner for this week is Susanne Kaufmann. More than just the name of the brand, Susanne founded the company based on the same principles she espouses in life and the rest of her work: a belief in the power of nature, in the importance of quality, and a commitment to sustainability. She talks us through the little-known secrets to achieving healthy and glowing skin.
A staggering 44% of British adults now suffer from at least one allergy[3], and the number of sufferers is only rising. With the arrival of spring, which can bring on some of the most miserable symptoms for allergy-sufferers, our focus for this week is on hacks for a healthier home. We speak to Floom about the powers of air-cleaning plants, as well as KINN on their top hacks for a healthier home.
The backlash against social media usage and the related mental health issues has been rife in the past year, not to mention the furore over Facebook’s data protection breach. While there are definite benefits to being switched on digitally, even more beneficial is the time we take to switch off. We speak to Kerry Moore, Co-Founder of Amly Botanicals, about her top tips for a healthy workspace, and Papier muse on this year’s breakthrough trend of journalling and the associated mental health benefits.
Detox Kitchen Food: 20 days of food delivered directly to your door every day (Monday-Friday). As well as a daily delivery of our food, each week there will be gifts to help support with your holistic spring clean.
WEEK 1 – MIND Votary’s all-natural Super Seed Oil and Eym’s uplifting Create candle.
WEEK 2 – BODY A luxury Susanne Kaufmann set made up of their nourishing Detox Oil and Alkali Salt Deacidifying, providing holistic benefits for the entire body.
WEEK 3 – PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT A KINN Lavender & Rosemary Eco Cleaning Set and £20 Floom voucher, the company that have brought the local florist experience online.
WEEK 4 – DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT Personalised journal from Papier and a Digital Detox Spray from AMLY.
Total value of gifts is approximately £270.
“I have really enjoyed the experience and wish I could do it forever. I've lost weight but the main benefit is feeling so much better in my body. I just feel like I'm operating better and am more in control. I loved the structure of the four weeks, it was such a fun surprise every morning, especially when you got the gift.”
“I have absolutely loved the Spring Equitox programme. For the first time in years I am happily eating carbs again and feel so much better for it. I have also lost 5lb without even realising!”
“The food is amazing and is by far the best food we’ve ever had in a home delivery service.”
Please note we are flexible if you would like to use one of our other packages (Green, Green with Protein) for this. Please email [email protected] or call 0207 498 6417 to arrange.
[1] According to a survey commissioned by the Mental Health Foundation: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/news/stressed-nati....
[2] Labour Force Survey: http://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/lfs/index.htm.
[3] Mintel 2010, http://reports.mintel.com/display/479826/.