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27 Sep, 2022

Movement & Motivation with Psycle's Head of Barre, Maria

We sit down with Maria, who is Head of Barre at Psycle, to discover more about her relationship with movement, wellbeing, and what it takes to keep her motivated.


What do you do to get back into a routine?

I love routine as my life is so wonderfully hectic and busy, but if I have been away or im coming back after a Christmas break for example I put my workouts in my diary as an appointment to myself and book the class so I wont have any excuses to change it. I will also buy all my favourite meal ingredients in for the week so Im prepared to cook my top go to healthy dishes.

What else do you practice in your everyday life to feel your best?

I give myself quiet time. Anything from 20minutes to two hours. I love my daily non stop on the go life dont get me wrong but my job involves a lot of talking, FaceTime and physicality so I always make sure I get home and put my phone down from anything between 20 minutes to 2 hours and either take the dogs on a walk whilst listening to a podcast, read a book, cook a new Recipe or literally chill with no distractions of my phone.

What is one non-negotiable you practice for self-care?

I think always planning time for me to rest, learn or have space. These days I always make sure I have trips planned in the diary to look forward to. It doesn't have to be a holiday it can be as simple as a trip to a new beach or woodlands in the UK. I love exploring new places and being outside so I always have little trips in the diary to escape and explore new places. It helps to calm and relax me and living in London I like to get out and be on a beach or woodlands with the dogs.In the same way I will try and do a couple of courses a year to learn and grow to always enrich what I love doing.

What helps to motivate you to stick to your fitness routine?

I love fitness so this one isn't hard for me as, I need it for my own daily head space too. Its almost like me having breakfast, I cant start my day without moving as I don't feel grounded for the rest of the day. However I think it is important not to feel and if you haven't done a full Intensity class. Moving for me can be anything from a high intensity HIT class to a 30 min walk in the park.

How do you push yourself with your fitness goals rather than just settling into a comfortable routine?

I mix it up, I'm a huge believer in cross training and my week consists of reformer pilates, treadmill, lifting weights, walks, barre and recovery pilates. Im constantly challenged mentally and physically when I mix up my workouts. 6. How do you refuel before and after a workout? I always have a vanilla vegan protein shake with cinnamon and banana !

What's your best advice to find a sustainable exercise routine?

Don't start with the end goal. Begin slowly and gradually build up.Have no comparison with others or competition with yourself. Mix it up and try new things and then stick with the things you love. Find an Instructor who inspires, supports and helps you grow.

Top tips for if you're struggling to fit exercise into a busy lifestyle?

Put it in the diary. I love my job but my days are long and it would be easy to give that hour to someone else. But unless I give that out to myself I wont be as productive. And also be realistic. I you can only fit in 2-3 workouts choose the ones that will inspire, challenge and fulfil you. Your time is precious and you should always love your workouts not feel like you have to fit them in.

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