13 Apr, 2017
Easter recipes and childlike abandon
Easter is the one time of year that we allow ourselves to follow our senses with childlike abandon, no guilt-ridden strings attached. Chocolate for breakfast? Yes please. And It’s important that we allow ourselves these indulgences.
FoodI think Easter is quite possibly my favourite time of year. It conjures up so many memories of time spent with family, big Sunday lunches, walks in the park with daffodils in full bloom, and of course, the Easter egg hunts. (Nowadays though, it's probably more likely that I will be crying into my empty Mini Egg tube, trying to deal with a child that has a chocolate overdose and a dog that has actually got chocolate poisoning.) But it’s the one time of year that we allow ourselves to follow our senses with childlike abandon, no guilt-ridden strings attached. Chocolate for breakfast? Yes please.
We've got some delicious recipes that are perfect for Easter up on the blog. My personal favourite, the Cacao Rice Crispy Cakes are an easy and indulgent sweet treat that are as equally nutritious as they are delicious. There's also our Raw Cacao and Beetroot Brownies, and the ultimate brunch recipe, Banana Pancakes with Chocolate Sauce.
It’s important that we allow ourselves these indulgences. Nobody should be denied a bit of chocolate at Easter if they want it, whether it’s ourselves or society doing the pressurising. Just make sure you regain the balance afterwards; book in to a fitness class during the week (our Studio offers a great variety of classes, at just £8 a pop), make the most of spring’s offerings by cooking up some delicious plant-based meals, or of course there’s the easy option of booking in for a detox. Now with a minimum order of just 3 days, after a few too many treats you can regain that bounce in your step in no time.