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13 Nov, 2014

Plant Protein Power!

Protein is such a meaty topic these days, here at The Detox Kitchen, we wanted to fill you in on how you can get your protein-fix, plant style!


Protein is such a meaty topic these days, here at The Detox Kitchen, we wanted to fill you in on how you can get your protein-fix, plant style! Long gone are the days where we believed that the only way to get a substantial amount of protein was through meat; research into plant-based foods has unveiled nature’s ability to supply us with all the protein that we need. And don’t be fooled, because it is some of nature’s tinniest produce that packs a serious amount of protein!

Chia Seeds:

This South American seed is packed with protein, delivering 4 grams in just 1oz and is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber and calcium. Chia seeds are also a true blessing for our digestive system. When soaked, they absorb twelve times their weight in water, which helps to hydrate our colon and dispel any toxins from our bodies.


Although often thought to be a grain, this fellow South American native is actually a seed. It provides us with all our essential amino acids and in a 1oz serving, supplies close to 4 grams of protein. It is packed full of nutrients, containing magnesium, which helps to control our blood pressure, as well as manganese and copper, which both serve as powerful antioxidants. For those looking to add a little extra protein to their diets, try adding it to salads or substituting it for brown rice.


Almonds are renowned for their beneficial effects on the skin, but they should also be praised for their protein-content. A 1oz serving of almonds provides 6.03g of protein and is full of vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, folic acid…the list goes on and on. If beautiful skin and a protein punch isn’t enough, these crunchy little nuts also improve our brainpower. Who said you can’t have beauty and brains?

Bee Pollen:

Bee pollen has been crowned one of nature’s most nutritious foods. For those who want a protein-fix, start sprinkling this little gem onto your meals because it contains between 25-40% pure protein. Bee pollen provides us with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. It is a powerful antioxidant, with anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties.