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10 Apr, 2018

Our Guide To The Perfect Smoothie!

Our Hacks To Make The Best Possible Smoothie!


Smoothies can be a great way to pack nutrients into your day but most importantly they can be super satisfying and refreshing. Getting the ratios right when it comes to taste, texture and nutrients is super important so here are our top tips...

  • Silky smooth and easily glugable should be the consistency of choice. We recommend 350ml of liquid to 150g of ingredients. A simple example is a classic banana and raspberry smoothie: 100ml apple juice, 200ml almond milk, 100g banana, 50g raspberries
  • Freeze your fruit so it’s ready to go at any point, it means you won’t have to add ice, which will dilute the flavour!
  • Add nut butter or protein powders to to increase your daily protein quota. Did you know that your body can only absorb, on average, 20-30g of protein in one go, so you should eat or drink small amounts often to absorb the most.
  • Pack in the nutrients – often a smoothie can contain 2-3 portions of fruit or veg. We all love a banana in a smoothie but try adding other colourful ingredients for a good blend of micronutrients, blueberries, spinach, kale, mango or pineapple work well.
  • Adding a tsp of super powders is a great way to add another level of nutrition to your smoothie, we like to use Spirulina, Maca or Wheatgrass. Watch out for the colour though, popping in some spirulina with red fruit will result is a rather unappetising drink.