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18 May, 2022

A guide to energy-boosting foods

Continuously battling with the 4pm slump? Is the 4pm slump turning into an all-day slump? Here’s what you should be including in your diet to increase your energy levels.


Continuously battling with the 4pm slump? Is the 4pm slump turning into an all-day slump? Here’s what you should be including in your diet to increase your energy levels.

The best way to maintain our energy levels is to have a healthy, balanced diet including a variety of fruit and vegetables, quality protein and complex carbohydrates. The following nutrients are particularly important for energy, so when you are experiencing a slump try to include these energy-boosting foods in your diet rather than reaching for yet another cup of coffee (we’ve all been there…)

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for converting food into energy. Our bodies cannot produce vitamin B6, so we must obtain it from foods or supplements. Some of the best sources include sweet potato, banana, sunflower seeds and chickpeas. Why not try our stuffed sweet potato with black rice and avocado for a delicious vitamin B6 boost!

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is important for the production of energy in the body, such that the first signs of deficiency are tiredness, lethargy and fatigue. It is predominantly found in foods of animal origin (such as chicken, salmon and eggs) but can be obtained from a few plant-based sources including yeast extract and fortified plant-based milks.

Iron plays a key role in the production of red blood cells, whose job it is to transport oxygen around the body. Iron deficiency (anaemia) can leave you feeling weak and fatigued; it is common in women as a result of their monthly blood loss, and pregnant women can be at particular risk due to the demands the growing baby places on them (during the third trimester and after birth). Foods rich in iron include spinach, lentils, pumpkin seeds and cacao. Fun fact: vitamin C aids the absorption of iron, so try to combine iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich foods such as peppers, cauliflower and broccoli.

Magnesium is involved in over 600 reactions in our bodies, including converting food into energy. However, studies suggest that approximately 50% of us in Europe and the US obtain less than the recommended daily intake from our diet. Excellent sources of magnesium include kale, cashews, pumpkin seeds and black beans. Our black bean feijoada packs quite the magnesium punch...

Hydrating Foods
Studies show that mild dehydration (fluid loss of 1-3% of body weight) can impair energy levels and mood. Aim to drink at least 2 litres of water steadily throughout the day. In addition, you can also "eat" your water through hydrating fruits and veggies such as cucumber, cos lettuce, courgette and celery.


You’ll find a plethora of all these energy-boosting foods on our home delivery packages. Let us take care of the planning, shopping and cooking while you look forward to waking to find a new day of food ahead of you. By removing foods that make you feel tired and bloated, and replacing them with a healthy, balanced diet, rich in plant based foods and lean protein, you will start to feel more energised.