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08 Aug, 2023

How to Reset and Rebalance with Sarah Elliott

We sit down with our 'mind' expert Sarah Elliot to discuss the mental health perks of resetting and rebalancing pre or post holiday. She breaks it down for us in 9 simple stages.


It's always important to take some time to stop and reflect on what’s gone on over the past six months for you, where you’re at currently and where you want to be. Whether you’ve been away or have some planned time off (hopefully) coming up, maybe you’ve been under pressure at work or just feel your routine hasn’t been exactly where you want it to, I'd like to provide you the tools and an opportunity to reset and have a fresh start at rebalancing yourself and your lifestyle.

  1. What’s working. Because we have a negativity bias build in us, it’s easier to notice what’s NOT working. So start by writing down what habits/routines/feelings/anything that is bringing you joy and that feels good in your life NOW as it stands. If you were just on holiday, take note of what made your time away so nice and find ways to incorporate that element into your daily or weekly routine.
  2. Watch out for ‘SHOULDs’. Should statements creep up all the time and can weigh down on our self esteem and ability to move forwards. We carry these burdensome expectations around and they can negatively impact our energy levels throughout the day and therefore deplete our motivation. Take some time right now and write down 3 common ‘should’ statements about your current lifestyle/routine. (ie. I should go to the gym more. I should be further in my career at this point). Then tie them to your values: Do you REALLY care about improving that part of your life/Is it really important to you? And then ask the question: If I did change to meet this expectation, what would be different in my life/what would change overall for me? If it feels like there’s a positive change you want to make towards this expectation then go for it and action it, but if it feels like this expectation is coming from somewhere other than yourself (ie. society, family, friends), then it’s time to let it go and ask yourself what YOU really want for your life.
  3. Balance isn’t permanent. You can nail it one week and that doesn’t guarantee it’ll look the same the next. And vice versa: if you have an unbalanced week, let it pass, let it go and figure out what you can change for the next day/week. It’s about readjusting what ‘balance’ looks like depending on your energy levels and what commitments you have on (note to women to work WITH their monthly cycles and be mindful of listening to your body when it needs more rest or when it might need socialising/movement). For example: balance one week might look like booking in a few exercise classes, a dinner with friends and then spending one night on your own doing some self care. And then the next week it might mean that balance is no social plans but just eating well and limiting screentime. Remember that we can have different forms of balance: balance on vacation and on the weekends is going to look different than in our working week so try creating different versions of what ‘balance’ is depending on the time of week/circumstance.
  4. Categorise Balance. Give yourself categories of what encompasses ‘balance’ (ie. Movement, Social, Self Care, Nutrition, Work). Imagine this as a pie chart, what are the parts of your life that would make you have a full complete pie. Once you’ve determines the categories, give yourself ‘tokens’ for each. As you plan your week you can deposit as many tokens as you want into each bucket depending on what’s achievable that week and what balance could look like that week/day.
  5. Routine is a CHOICE. We all want to feel more in control to help balance out life’s uncertainties. But what CONTROL really is? The ability to CHOOSE. So give yourself options of what to CHOOSE to do to reset. Try not to get caught up in a negative swirl of what you havn’t done, but focus instead on what you CAN do! Choose to invest time and energy in building a routine that you’re proud of and that works for you.
  6. Break the Autopilot. A great way to build more self-awareness is to notice how much time you spend on autopilot vs being really truly in the present moment. Often when we are craving a reset it’s our bodies way of wanting us to pay attention to what’s going on (think of it as a friendly wave hello!). Try brushing your teeth with the opposite hand or taking a new route to work and a really important one is to turn off all distractions while you eat. This allows your mind to switch on and be more alert to what’s really going on in the here & now. All these small but significant awareness builders will engage you more into the present moment and that’s where we are most happy! There’s a time and place to reflect and make plans but start to notice how much time you spend in the here & now…
  7. Meditate. Meditation improves anxiety levels 60% of the time and is a great facilitator to bringing you back to the present moment and allowing you to check in with yourself. If you’re looking to feel back on track then meditating, even for 5-10mins a day can help you determine where you’re really at with your feelings/thoughts. It can also help to have a journal nearby so that if you have any ideas/next steps come up while you’re meditating you can write them down afterwards. I sometimes even journal before I meditate in order to get all my thoughts down and outside of my head before I sit for my meditation practice.
  8. Digital Detox. 2 out of 5 individuals who checked their phone first thing in the morning reported higher levels of stress throughout the day. Cutting back on your screen time is a great way to help conserve energy and allow your eyes and mind a chance to reenergise. Resetting is about meeting your own needs and taking stock of where you’re at. Social Media can have great means of connecting with others and getting inspired but often it leaves us more depleted because it’s a consumption tool. Try committing to screen free days or put limits on your screentime to alert you.
  9. Make it a habit. It’s important to take notice of where you’re at emotionally, physically, energetically as often as you can. Try setting a reminder on your phone/calendar in order to facilitate a more mindful way of living. A prompt that says ‘Check in’ where you rate your energy level and can be realistic with what energy you have available. This might then help you decide to take a break or stand up or get some water. Even those small habits The best practice to get into is to just facilitate repetitive check-ins with yourself and have a dialogue with yourself around what you NEED. It can then enable you with the answers of what to change and what to ask help for.

Reset & rebalance with our newest winter Self-Care Bundle, available with every meal plan, 3-Day Reset and Soup Cleanse. Use the code CAREBUNDLE to receive your protein powder, a £50 voucher for Skinwork, and Form Nutrition's ZZZZs pills (for the first 50 only). We only have 50 to sell, so make sure to get your hands on it before they go!

Discover more about Sarah Elliott and her coaching on