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07 Aug, 2024

The Mediterranean diet: keeping your health on track in summer

We love to lean into the Mediterranean lifestyle in summer, when travelling or staying at home, and make the most of the produce that defines the Mediterranean diet whilst it's in season. It’s well-known that this diet is optimal for heart and gut health. Here’s 4 reasons why you should look to a Mediterranean diet and lifestyle this summer to keep your health on track. Plus some extra tips to keep in mind, particularly when travelling! And recipe ideas...


Why the Mediterranean diet might be the answer to a healthy and joyful summer:

1. Healthy fats 

Extra virgin olive oil, nuts and fish

  • Omega-3 fatty acids in fish helps reduce blood pressure
  • A Mediterranean diet is rich in healthy fats including extra virgin olive oil, nuts and fish, as well as antioxidants in fruits and veg which help reduce inflammation, better your lipid profiles and optimise endothelial function

2. High Fibre

Fruit and vegetables

  • High fibre foods such a whole grains, vegetables and fruits helps reduce bad cholesterol
  • A high intake of antioxidants and fibers enhances gut barrier function and reduces the risk of leaky gut syndrome.

3. Anti Inflammatory

Fruit and vegetables, olive oil, nuts, seeds and fatty fish

  • Anti-inflammatory compounds found in olive oil, nuts, and fatty fish
  • Polyphenols from fruits and vegetables, help reduce systemic and gut-specific inflammation.

4. Variety

  • A lot of the Mediterranean diet is made up of plant based ingredients, using a variety of produce - this variety feeds beneficial gut bacteria and promotes a healthy microbiome.

Medical Studies

  •  A landmark study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (PREDIMED trial) found that individuals following a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts had a significantly lower incidence of major cardiovascular events compared to a low-fat diet .
  • A study in Frontiers in Nutrition found that adherence to the Mediterranean diet is associated with a more diverse and stable gut microbiome. This diversity is linked to better overall gut health and reduced risk of gastrointestinal diseases .
  •  Research published in Gut found that the Mediterranean diet can reduce gut inflammation and improve gut barrier function. This is beneficial in preventing and managing inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) .

In summary...

  • The Mediterranean diet is made up of a wonderful, rich combination of healthy fats, high fibre, antioxidants, all of which contribute to better heart and gut health, a stronger microbiome less inflammation and optimal lipid profiles

Key Tips to Keep in Mind:

  • Though a decent portion of healthy fats is super beneficial for you, be mindful not to overdo it. Make sure that when you are ordering food out or making it yourself, half of your plate or plates are fruit and vegetables that are glistening rather than drowning in oil.
  • Fill up on whole grains and bread that is fresh and unrefined - best from a bakery or family-run restaurant.
  • Balance eating fruit with a handful of nuts or fibre so as not to spike your blood sugar levels.
  • Have a glass of water with every meal and in between every meal, or try iced herbal teas.
  • Try to avoid sugary drinks or sugar-free fizzy drinks as this can upset your gut microbiome. If you’re craving something sweet, we recommend fresh fruit juices or fizzy water with lemon or lime, mint and a little honey (it’s deliciously refreshing).
  • Opt for tomatoes, peppers and aubergine for optimum fibre and vitamin C, paired with lots of water-rich veggies like cucumber and courgette.
  • Try and avoid the little cocktail mixes they often offer at bars or sell at European supermarkets as, though they often seem healthy, they usually have an ultra high salt content and are saturated in refined seed oils. Natural or oven-baked nuts or legume snacks are ideal!

Our top 3 Mediterranean recipes of the moment:

  1. Tomato Galette (recipe here)
  2. Aubergine Salad with Pine Nuts & Tahini (recipe here)
  3. Zesty Salmon (recipe here)

Fancy delicious, fresh Mediterranean dishes delivered to your doorstep? Our current Mediterranean-inspired menu is the perfect way to get a delicious taste of summer in its most nourishing form. All prepped and portioned for you to meet your health goals. Pick your own meals for a Fridge Fill delivery or order a meal plan with all the food you need for the day.