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01 May, 2024

Blueberry Baked Oats

This is just about the easiest snack you could make, using only 4 main ingredients. You can whip it up in minutes and it will last you the week, when stored in an airtight container. We love reaching for these oat bites when we get a little peckish in the afternoon or are craving something sweet, as the sweetness of the banana, maple syrup and berries hit the spot but don’t overdo it with the sweetness. The recipe is also oil-free, making it seem light but nice and full until dinner. The natural sugars paired with the slow-release of fibre from the oats also help to balance our energy and insulin levels.


Makes 8 bites.


  • 2 banana
  • 300g oats
  • 250ml maple syrup
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt
  • 100g blueberries (or any other berries to hand)


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius.
  2. Prep a 26cm baking dish by greasing with coconut oil.
  3. Mash your banana in a bowl until it is a liquid-like consistency. Add in the oats and mix. Add in the maple syrup, baking powder and cinnamon, salt and mix until well combined. Add in half your blueberries and mix carefully, making sure the blueberries don’t burst too much.
  4. Pour the mixture into the baking dish and use a spoon to even out and press down the mixture. Top with the remaining blueberries.
  5. Place the dish in the oven and bake for 25 minutes until golden and slightly crispy on top.