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30 Jan, 2020

Mushroom Risotto with Crispy Sage

Nothing says winter comfort like a creamy risotto. Topped with umami-rich mushrooms and crispy sage, this ticks all of the boxes for a cosy night in.



Large oven-proof casserole dish (with a lid)


500g mixed mushrooms (we love shiitake, oyster and portobello), roughly chopped
250g brown rice
50g sunflower seeds
50g pumpkin seeds
1 stick of celery, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, one finely chopped and the other sliced
Olive oil for frying
1 tin coconut milk
500ml veg stock
3 tbsp nutritional yeast
Small handful of sage


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Put the rice and seeds in a saucepan, cover with boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. Drain and set aside.

Working in batches to ensure that you don't overcrowd the pan, fry the mushrooms in a glug of olive oil over a high heat until browned and crispy. Set aside on a paper towel to soak up any excess oil.

In a large oven-proof casserole dish, gently fry the celery and the chopped garlic in a tablespoon of olive oil until softened but not browned. Then add in the rice and seeds, the stock, the coconut milk and half of the mushrooms. Season generously with salt and cracked black pepper. Stir until well combined then cover with the lid and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Just before the risotto has finished in the oven, heat a tablespoon of olive oil over a medium heat and fry the sage leaves and sliced garlic clove until crispy. Set aside on a paper towel to soak up any excess oil. Using the same saucepan, quickly heat through the remaining mushrooms.

After 20 minutes in the oven, the rice will have absorbed nearly all of the liquid. At this point, stir through the nutritional yeast (this will thicken the risotto slightly) and top with the crispy mushrooms, sage and garlic.