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26 Sep, 2022

How to fall in love with running with personal trainer Jade

Running. One of the best fitness journeys you can go on. Are you ready to begin your journey with running? Welcome to the community! You’re going to fall in love with it because running is the gift that keeps on giving. Whether you are a beginner or a well-seasoned and experienced runner, running gives back more than you can ever imagine. It helps you to tap into what you need in that very moment - from freedom, release, joy, strength or the powerful act of forward motion and endurance goals being met, the rewards of running are limitless.


Running is one of the most incredible ways to explore your personal mental and physical strengths, weaknesses, growth and develop a full body meditative practice.

Let's get into exploring running so you can embark on your journey with joy and confidence!

Why you should consider running as a form of exercise

Freedom and finding a state of flow

Running is one of the best activities you can do to help free your mind from any stresses and creative blocks. It also helps to clear your body from any anxieties it may be holding.

As you run, you become present in your mind and body, meditative through your breath and the rhythmic action of stepping one foot in front of the other. It’s possible to tap into your flow state, known as ‘the zone’. As Headspace explains it ‘In essence, flow state is a very active, moving meditation.’

“There’s this focus that, once it becomes intense, leads to a sense of ecstasy, a sense of clarity: you know exactly what you want to do from one moment to the other; you get immediate feedback,” Csikszentmihalyi said in a 2004 TED Talk.

Running is you, your mind and body moving forward through any stresses and creative blocks that suddenly seem to disappear. You find yourself naturally exhaling anything that no longer serves you.

A tool in your toolkit

A previous coach many years ago once shared, ‘movement is like your shield, your armoury. It is your protection for the day so you are ready for anything.’

At the time, I had just completed my usual 5 km early morning run before work, and I was explaining how my days typically unfolded when I had run, compared to when I didn’t. How powerful, confident, joyful and prepared I felt to handle anything challenging with confidence, strength and joy.

The modern day stresses no longer had power or room to grow. Beginning to see the challenges as opportunities, my approach to how I saw things and the positive impact on my day had changed.

Running is your armoury to help you manage challenges well. One of you tools available when you need it, so explore using it! Lean all the way in. One step at a time.

It helps to keeps you healthy

We all know that running is one of the best ways to become and stay active and healthy. Not only for the mental health benefits but the vast array of physical ones too. As Runners World share ‘studies have shown that exercise like running can help prevent obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, some cancers, and a host of other conditions’.

Running is forever the gift that keeps on giving. All it takes is you and a pair of trainers, so what are you waiting for? Here are some pointers on how to start.

How to start running

Just start moving

So simple but sometimes the most simplest things are the hardest to grapple. ‘Surely it’s harder than just starting?’ There’s the mind chatter, the mental resistance, the lack of preparation - getting adequate sleep, fuel and hydration, comfortable clothing, planning your route.

There's also perception and expectation of the type of person that is a runner, and who is not.

Running does not discriminate. If you are fortunate enough to be able bodied and well without injury, and can jog one foot in front of the other, you can become a runner. Embrace the full body movement and get to know yourself in the running space. It’s you versus you with every step.

Go at a pace that feels good

When beginning, allow yourself time to explore your paces. Start slow and with no expectations. Welcome the feedback and increase the pace when ready. Remember the results are limitless Welcome the gifts of running - the freedom, the release and the strength. Welcome your increased fitness, the endorphins, the joy and the clear headspace. The high level of vibration.


Keep showing up and keep moving. On the good days and not so good days - those are usually the best times to train. Any form of movement is a continual practice, more than the destination. Enjoy the journey!

Structure a training plan to progress with running

Take out the guess work by following a plan. From training to run 1km, 5km, 10km or longer, the distances are different so find a plan that supports your goal and that you can follow with ease.

Here’s a typical example beginners plan to run 1km in 6 weeks, with a combination of running and walking intervals. Start slow and at a pace that feels comfortable. Always warm up with stretching and a brisk 5 min walk before each session, and a 5 min walk and stretch to cool down. Aim to run minimum x2 per week, with strength and mobility training in your weekly schedule.

Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise if you are not used to being very active and, or may need clearance from your doctor.

Week 1 - Run for 60 secs and walk for 90 secs x8.

Week 2 - Run for 90 secs and walk for 2 mins x6 .

Week 3 - Run for 90 secs and walk for 90 secs x2. Run for 2 mins and walk for 2 mins x3.

Week 4 - Run for 2 mins and walk for 60 secs x2. Run for 3 mins and walk for 90 secs. Run for 2 mins.

Week 5 - Run for 3 mins, walk for 2 mins. Run for 3 mins and walk for 2 mins. Run for 3 mins.

Week 6 - Run continuous until you have reached 1km.

Join a track running club

This will help with learning the different types of running. From tempo runs to slow runs, start to explore how different types of running feel on your body. You’ll start to find there’s a delicious strength in speed and power.

3 tips to motivate you when you think you can’t carry on

Tap into your other senses ...

  1. Listen to music. Distract the mind by music. Set a playlist for the length of time you want to run and run to the playlist, track by track.
  2. Listen to a podcast or personal development talks. Find a podcast that you enjoy or motivational talks that inspire you.
  3. Watch athletes in motion. Watch how athletes move. There’s a beauty in their athletic strength that you can find too.

Key stretches to do before going for a run

  • Foam roll
  • Hip and shoulder openers
  • Dynamic stretching and activation

After going for a run

  • Static stretching

Tips or tricks to make running feel enjoyable

  • Always stretch pre and post running, and allow time for this.
  • Strength train to build a strong body and to avoid injury. A strong body will help to lift yourself up and forward.
  • Add mobility into your training programme.
  • Set yourself a Smart goal.
  • Sign up to an organised run. There is nothing like having something in the diary to help you with commitment, structure and something to look forward too.
  • Run with friends.

When it comes to running, embrace the journey. Hold onto every step and recreate it in the next one. Lift up and move your body forward. Try not to stop and you will reach your flow state. The endorphins will begin to hit and would have run. Running is one of the best metaphors for life. It will give you everything you are looking for in movement and so much more, how awesome is that? Enjoy every step!


Discover our Energiser programme in partnership with Sweaty Betty, designed to support you on your movement journey and encourage you to start running for your mental health. More info here.

More about Jade Swaby: Coach and Personal Trainer Founder of I. Brand You. @j_a_d_e__s.