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30 May, 2014

Rhubarb & Blackberry Pie

Blackberry and rhubarb is a perfect summer pie combination. The sweetness of the blackberries and the sour rhubarb, set in a crumbled nut and coconut pastry, create a fresh and wholesome pudding.



For the pastry
1 tbsp wheat-free flour, for dusting
175g oats
90g ground almonds
30g desiccated coconut
Zest 1 lemon
2 tbsp honey
½ vanilla pod, scoop out the seeds to use
1 egg

For the filling
150g ground almonds
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tbsp honey
60ml rapeseed oil
2 eggs
250g rhubarb, cut into 1cm pieces
250g blackberries


Serves 8

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees. Dust a 20cm tart case with flour.

To make the pastry, place all the ingredients in a blender and pulse until it starts to form a dough. If you don’t have a blender you can do this by rubbing the ingredients together with your hands and then kneading to form a dough. Dust some flour on a work surface and scoop out the dough. Bring together by hand for a soft dough.

Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the fridge for 30 minutes. Remove from the fridge and roll out to about 3mm thick.

Carefully place the pastry in the tart base. Then pierce the pastry with a fork, cover with baking paper and fill with rice; blind bake for 10 minutes. Remove the paper and rice and allow the pastry to cool while you make the filling.

Place the ground almonds, oil, honey, vanilla seeds and eggs in a blender and blitz to a smooth texture. If you don’t have a blender you can simply do this by hand by whisking all the ingredients together in a large bowl. Tip the mixture into the pastry base, cover with the rhubarb and blackberries and bake in the oven for 25 minutes. Allow to cool and serve warm.

290 cals