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05 Jan, 2021

Tomato and Caper Galette

This rustic and humble tomato galette offers a lighter twist to a classic winter pie. The pastry is a fairly foolproof vegan version but you can make yours using butter if you prefer. I've added nuts to give it a deeper flavour which complements the sweet tomato filling.


Serve 2-4


For the pastry:

  • 200g organic wholegrain or plain flour (GF if preferable)
  • 30g walnuts
  • 30 pistachios
  • 120g Biona sunflower spread or use butter
  • 50ml ice water

For the filling:

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 red onion, finely sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 300g plum tomatoes, cut into quarters
  • 200g cherry tomatoes, cut in half
  • 4 sundried tomatoes, diced
  • 2 tsp capers


  1. Place the walnuts and pistachios in a food processor and blitz to a fine crumb. Tip the nuts into a large mixing bowl together with the flour and butter and rub together to form a crumb. Then gradually add in the ice water until a firm dough is formed. Wrap the dough in wax paper or cling film and leave in the fridge for 30 minutes until chilled.
  2. Meanwhile make the tomato and caper filling. In a medium saucepan heat a little olive oil. Saute the onions and garlic until softened then add in the cherry tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes and capers and cook for around 15 minutes until the tomatoes are softened. Tip the mixture into a bowl and place in the freezer for 20 minutes to chill. The colder the better.
  3. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees.
  4. Once the pastry and filling are chilled you can assemble the galette. Roll the pastry out to form a circle with around a 20cm diameter. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper and carefully place the pastry onto it. Place the raw plum tomatoes in the centre of the pastry leaving around 3cm from the edge and then top with the cooked tomato and caper sauce. Then fold over the pastry. It will be a little crumbly but don’t worry as it will firm up when it is cooked. Use any excess pastry to fill in any gaps in the pastry.
  5. Place the galette in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until the pastry is golden. Serve straight from the oven. In the winter I love to have this with some pearl barley and kale. In the summer it’s perfect with a green salad.