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04 Mar, 2024

Female Faces of the Brand: Eve Kalinik

Allow us to introduce Eve, a chef, nutritionist and one of our amazing collaborators... This International Women's Day, we are celebrating all the wonderful women we work with; we are taking this opportunity to introduce you to some of the fabulous female faces behind the brand. This week, we are also launching a special IWD recipe booklet, featuring a collection of delicious recipes from top female chefs and will be donating to Women for Women International. Read on for more information or to get your hands on the recipe booklet.


I’m a nutritional therapist and author with a specialism in gut health. I also consult and create content for brands and co-host a podcast called The Wellness Breakdown. My motivation in all of my work is to empower others to take ownership of their health and to simplify a lot of the confusing and contradictory information and jargon out there. I’ve had a close relationship with The Detox Kitchen since they launched and have always believed them to be total pioneers in the space of healthy food, making it super inspiring AND tasty!

What inspires you?

My friends and family.

What does your day usually look like?

They can be quite different depending on whether I’m in clinic or doing consultancy work. However I always start my day with walking my dog Luna followed shortly by a strong cup of green tea. Regardless of what I’m doing in my day I make sure that I take regular breaks to provide crucial pockets of recovery in my day.

What is your daily non-negotiable?

My morning coffee but I don’t have it as soon as I get up.

3 wellness tips/habits you swear by...

  1. 8 hours sleep per night
  2. 2 litres of water per day
  3. Eat the rainbow with as many different coloured vegetables and fruit

What is your favourite cuisine?

I really enjoy Japanese and middle-Eastern flavours although modern British would be my favourite if I had to choose. I really like to eat seasonally as much as possible for many reasons but also because produce tends to taste so much better when its grown and picked at the right time!

Your favourite DK meal?

I really loved the cauliflower tahini noodles we did as part of our collab. I love seeing twists on my recipes that can amplify then even further.

Dish or recipe you make most often?

I go through phases and try to create new ones regularly so I don’t get tired of the same dishes. At the moment I’m enjoying a few including my Broccoli, Pea & Basil soup, Salmon with miso rice and sesame glaze and a lamb meatballs one which I’m still working on. But honestly it might be scrambled eggs on sourdough as the one that's most regular!

Death row dinner?

That’s easy - roast chicken

What is your favourite form of movement?

I try to mix things up but I do think reformer pilates has changed my body in a way that I haven’t noticed with other forms of exercise. Frame Studios is my go to place.

What is your favourite quote or mantra?

I love the quote from Rumi “There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen”

GET OUR IWD RECIPE BOOKLET VIA THE POPUP ON OUR WEBSITE. Check out our blog post on IWD & Women for Women International here.

More on Eve...

Her website